Karen On

Established: March 2010 to present
To develop a portfolio as an entertainment writer, I started Karen On as a blog to showcase my reviews of film, music, television, and theater, as well as industry and celebrity news items and commentary. The blog mostly consisted of movie and album reviews and exclusive concert media but over its inaugural year, has also included American Idol recaps, anecdotes from conventions, various events, and celebrity encounters, and exclusive celebrity interviews. Karen On has also significantly included extensive coverage on the film industry’s award season—breaking news of nominees and winners, offering opinions and analysis of the race, and providing informative and entertaining recaps of telecasts. I’m particularly grateful for how well-received the blog is with fans of former American Idols, other subjects of specialty.
In January 2013, Karen On relaunched as a personal blog, giving readers insight into life as me—a 20-something San Franciscan going through her quarter-life crisis but embracing moments, memories, and people. The blog has become a grab bag of honest and heartfelt thought pieces and musings and life experiences, with topics ranging from speed dating and fitness, to video game music to fallen professional football players. It is also a featured blog in the WordPress Theme Showcase, serving as a template and inspiration for WordPress users all over the world. Since its inception in 2010, the blog has attracted over 100 unique visitors from 175 different countries and continues to grow through consistent and unique content, SEO optimization, social media marketing, and various networking strategies.
A Professional Dreamer

Established:December 2011 to November 2012
Inspired by fellow bloggers and needing an outlet to express myself freely and more creatively, A Professional Dreamer was started as a place to share my thoughts and life experience, provoke thought, amuse and humor, and motivate. It never quite took off the way I wanted to but the relaunched version of my current blog Karen On kinds of takes on what I wanted A Professional Dreamer to be.

Established: September 2009 to December 2009
For the Digital News Gathering course (JOUR 226) at SFSU, instructor Staci Baird required students to keep a blog on any topic of their choosing, as well as for class assignments—and what better topic is there for me to write about other than entertainment? entertainmentjunkie marked my first foray into the WordPress platform. Original entertainment-related content included my American Idol tour, Michael Jackson’s This is It midnight screening, and Rent in San Francisco experiences, plus my recap of the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Course assignments included creating text posts on various subjects and linking to and embedding original multimedia content and infographics. (NOTE: Due to copyright claims on YouTube and original content being taken down the server, many links are now unavailable.)
The View from the Ingleside

Established: September 2008 to December 2008
For the required Reporting course for journalism majors at SFSU, under instructor Rachele Kanigel, students were given a San Francisco or Oakland neighborhood to cover for the semester. Additionally, we had to keep a blog that we had to post to periodically. My neighborhood was the Ingleside, a southern SF neighborhood fairly close to the SF State campus. My blog consisted of links and a map to neighborhood resources and my original photos of significant places. The three text posts consist of an intro to the Ingleside, a “third place” in the neighborhood, and a preview for our final story. The final story assignment was about an issue in the neighborhood and mine was about the construction of a new branch library.
- Coming Soon…Belle! | U Blush Magazine
- Real Bodies Manifesto | Audrey Magazine
- Veronica Mars, She’s Back! | U Blush Magazine